Bro. MAHER, Ralph FMS
* Birth in Shanghai, China: [1915]
* Arrival in Hong Kong: [1953] * Death in Hong Kong: [12 December 1976] |
Death of Marist Brother, F.M.S.
The death occurred on Sunday, 12 December 1976 at Caritas Hospital of Brother Ralph Maher, a member of the Marist Brothers’ community of St. Francis Xavier’s College, Kowloon.
Brother Ralph was born in Shanghai in 1915, a member of a large family, and was educated by the Marist Brothers at St. Francis Xavier’s College, Shanghai. After his secondary education he was employed for some years in a bank. He entered the Novitiate of the Marist Brothers at St. Genis Laval, France, in 1939 and made his religious profession in 1940. Later he returned to Shanghai where he worked as a missionary teacher at St. Francis Xavier’s College. He came to Hong Kong in 1953 where, apart from a visit to Europe for his second Novitiate and one to the United States, he taught for more than twenty years. Owing to ill- health, Brother Ralph was obliged to give up active work in the classroom and for his last four years he acted as supervisor in the college library and sacristan in the community chapel. Despite continued ill health, borne with great patience and fortitude, he retained his interest in school activities, especially among the ex-students, many of whom visited him and corresponded with him. His health gradually deteriorated and he was called to his reward on Sunday, 12 December in the thirty-sixth year of his religious life. Requiem Mass, which was attended by the whole student body and staff, was celebrated at the Church of St. Francis of Assisi and the Funeral Mass at Kowloon Funeral Parlours on Wednesday, 15 December. Mass was followed by the burial at the Marist portion of the Cheung Sha Wan Cemetery.
24 December 1976
Brother Ralph was born in Shanghai in 1915, a member of a large family, and was educated by the Marist Brothers at St. Francis Xavier’s College, Shanghai. After his secondary education he was employed for some years in a bank. He entered the Novitiate of the Marist Brothers at St. Genis Laval, France, in 1939 and made his religious profession in 1940. Later he returned to Shanghai where he worked as a missionary teacher at St. Francis Xavier’s College. He came to Hong Kong in 1953 where, apart from a visit to Europe for his second Novitiate and one to the United States, he taught for more than twenty years. Owing to ill- health, Brother Ralph was obliged to give up active work in the classroom and for his last four years he acted as supervisor in the college library and sacristan in the community chapel. Despite continued ill health, borne with great patience and fortitude, he retained his interest in school activities, especially among the ex-students, many of whom visited him and corresponded with him. His health gradually deteriorated and he was called to his reward on Sunday, 12 December in the thirty-sixth year of his religious life. Requiem Mass, which was attended by the whole student body and staff, was celebrated at the Church of St. Francis of Assisi and the Funeral Mass at Kowloon Funeral Parlours on Wednesday, 15 December. Mass was followed by the burial at the Marist portion of the Cheung Sha Wan Cemetery.
本 港 聖 母 小 昆 仲 會 馬 和 修 士 , 於 一 九 七 六 年 十 二 月 十 二 日 在 明 愛 醫 院 病 逝 , 享 年 六 十 一 歲 。 馬 修 士 在 一 九 一 五 年 生 於 上 海 , 曾 就 讀 於 上 海 聖 芳 濟 書 院 。 畢 業 後 矢 志 獻 身 修 會 及 教 育 , 故 於 一 九 三 九 年 赴 歐 接 受 修 士 訓 練 , 後 來 重 返 上 海 任 教 , 一 九 五 三 年 來 港 。 馬 修 士 在 港 擔 任 教 育 工 作 達 二 十 多 年 , 近 年 老 多 病 , 暫 停 教 學 , 但 仍 負 責 聖 芳 濟 書 院 圖 書 管 理 工 作 。
聖 母 昆 仲 會 於 上 週 三 上 午 十 一 時 , 在 聖 方 濟 各 堂 為 馬 修 士 舉 行 追 思 彌 撒 , 同 日 下 午 三 時 在 九 龍 殯 儀 館 大 殮 , 隨 即 安 葬 長 沙 灣 天 主 教 墳 場 。
1976 年 12 月 24 日
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